In response to the challenge of estimated high undiagnosed Tuberculosis(TB) cases amongst People Living with HIV in Nigeria, the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) through partnership with United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) supported the Institute of Human Virology, Nigeria (IHVN) implemented TBHIV referral coordination activities in selected health facilities within the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief priority LGAs to TB case detection amongst People Living with HIV/AIDS, putting them on anti-TB and ART (antiretroviral therapy) as early as possible thereby reducing the morbidity & mortality in the co-infected patients as well as reducing TB burden among PLHIV.
Project Goal
To guide and inform PEPFAR towards continued support and if possible, expansion of TB/HIV referral coordination initiative in Nigeria.
- To determine the level of accomplishment of key deliverables of the referral coordinators.
- To assess the level of decrease in the drop-off of patients along the TB/HIV cascade compared to baseline in each of the implementing facilities.
- To assess the extent and timeliness of the linkage to ART from Directly Observed Treatment (DOT) services and to DOT services from anti-retroviral therapy clinics for TB/HIV co-infected patients.
Related Activities
- Desk review of relevant secondary documents
- Design of assessment methodology
- Development of evaluation tools
- Recruitment and training of personnel for data collection
- Collection of primary data
- Analysing primary data and
- Development of a final report on findings for the client