Immunisation of children against vaccine-preventable diseases is a key strategy that has been used over the years to improve the health indices of countries. As part of efforts to improve immunization services in Nigeria, Adam Smith International in partnership with Vodafone, GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) and the National Primary Health Care Development Agency (NHPCDA) implemented the pilot of the mVacciNation mobile application in 48 Primary Health Care Centers (PHCs) across 2 Local Government Areas (LGAs) in Kaduna South and Zaria for a period of 18 months.
HSCL conducted an endline evaluation of the pilot project to independently assessed whether the Nigeria mVacciNation project achieved its expected results.
Project Goal
To assess whether the mVacciNation Nigeria pilot project has achieved its objectives of improving data efficiency, stock management and safety; and enhanced health-seeking behaviour of caregivers.
- Determine endline values for contextual outcome and impact level performance indicators as outlined in the project results framework
- Collect routine immunization data on data efficiency, stock management, and health-seeking behaviour
- Identify successes and constraints in each of the 5 projects pillars
- Assess stakeholder and beneficiary satisfaction with service provided by mVacciNation
- Document lessons learned from project implementation
- Identify recommendations for mVacciNation Nigeria on scalability and sustainability based on findings
Related Activities
- Design and development of assessment methodology and evaluation tools
- Recruitment and training of personnel for data collection
- Collection of primary data
- Analyse primary data and
- Development of a final report on findings for the client