Health Systems Consult Limited (HSCL) ACE 3 was recently presented with an award of excellence by USAID - US Agency for International Development for the great work they do in combating HIV/AIDS in Nigeria. The award was presented during the review meeting of the Accelerating Progress in Paediatrics and PMTCT Program (AP3) in Lagos, Nigeria.
The 5-day meeting which lasted from Monday 15th through Friday 19th July 2024 was convened by USAID and had the PMTCT and Paediatric focal persons from all the six USAID-funded implementing mechanisms (ACE 1 to 6) in attendance. Other participants included the Lagos state SASCP and SACA representatives as well as the USAID team.
The meeting was aimed at evaluating the performance of the AP3 program in Nigeria with a view to identifying programmatic gaps and improving results.
The AP3 score card shows a paediatrics coverage of 29% and PMTCT coverage of 34% which is considered a poor performance compared to the expected outcomes.
The review meeting looked at the work done so far, and the challenges encountered with a view to proffering innovative strategies to accelerate progress.
The idea is to harmonize the AP3 Strategic Action Plan, which becomes a National strategic PMTCT and Paediatrics document that will guide the implementation of best practices of the AP3 programming in Nigeria.
HSCL ACE 3 team comprising of the ART and PMTCT Advisors was led by the Lead ART Advisor, Dr Opiti John Chukwuneku who received award of excellence for innovation in a challenging work environment from USAID on behalf of HSCL ACE 3 for the great work they do even despite the security risks that comes with working in the north-central terrain of Sokoto, Kebbi and Zamfara states.